
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

aqua ae (poet. also aquāī, V.), f

3 AC-, water : aquae pluviae, rain-water : gelida: pluvialis, O.: aquae fons: deterrima, most unwholesome , H.: perennis, L.: fervens, boiling : in aquam ruere, into the river , L.: aquae ductus, an aqueduct : aquae iter, the right of way for water : medicamentum ad aquam intercutem, against dropsy . — Esp., in phrases: qui praebet aquam, the host , H.: unctam convivis praebere aquam, greasy water , H.: aqua et ignis, i. e. the necessarie of life ; hence, alicui aquā et igni interdici, to be excluded from civil society, be banished . — Meton., the sea : ad aquam, on the coast : naviget aliā linter aquā, i. e. treat other themes , O.— A brook . ad aquam, Cs.— Rain : cornix augur aquae, H.: aquae magnae bis eo anno fuerunt, L.—Plur, waters, a watering-place, baths : ad aquas venire, i. e. to Baiae.—A water-clock : ex aquā mensurae, measures (of time) by the water-clock , Cs.—Prov.: aqua haeret, i. e. there is a hitch, I am at a loss .

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