
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

blandior ītus, īrī, dep.

blandus, to fawn, soothe, caress, fondle, coax : cessit tibi blandienti Cerberus, H.: modo blanditur, modo ... Terret, O.: mihi per Pompeium: patri ut duceretur, etc., L.: votis suis, i. e. believes what he wishes , O.— To flatter, make flattering speeches, be complaisant : qui litigare se simulans blandiatur: pavidum blandita, timidly coaxing , O.: mihi: eis subtiliter: patruo suo, O.: ne nobis blandiar, i. e. to speak plainly , Iu.—Fig., to please, soothe, gratify : quam voluptas sensibus blandiatur. — To entice, allure, invite : ignoscere vitiis blandientibus, Ta.: suā blanditur populus umbrā, O.

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