
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

caelum ī, n

2 CAV-, the sky, heaven, heavens, vault of heaven : caelum terra mariaque: quod tegit omnia caelum, O.: aliquod caeli signum, sign, constellation : in caelo regere, H.: portae de caelo tactae, struck by lightning , L.: caelum terramque miscere (of violent winds), V.: de caelo demissis, i. e. of divine descent , L.: albente caelo, at break of day , Cs.: vesperascente caelo, in the evening twilight , N.— In augury: de caelo servare, to observe the signs of heaven : de caelo fieri (of celestial signs), to appear .—Provv.: quid si nunc caelum ruat? (of a vain fear), T.: delabi caelo, to drop from the sky (of sudden good-fortune): caelum ac terras miscere, to throw everything into confusion , L.: findere caelum aratro (of an impossibility), O.—In a play on the name Caelius: caeli spatium, the breadth of the sky (or of the grave of Caelius ), V.— A sky, clime, zone, region : caelum, sub quo natus essem, L.: Caelum non animum mutare, H.— The air, sky, atmosphere, temperature, climate, weather : foedus annus intemperie caeli, L.: caeli spiritus iucundus: caeli morem praediscere, V.: ducere animam de caelo, the open air : Germania aspera caelo, Ta.: salubre: serenum, V.: palustre, L.: foedum imbribus, Ta.—Fig., of well-being, heaven, the height of honor, prosperity, happiness : Caesar fertur in caelum, praised to the skies : vos ad caelum efferre rumore secundo, H.: collegam de caelo detraxisti, deprived of his position : in caelo sum, i. e. very happy : caelum accepisse fatebor, O.— Of things: omnia, quae tu in caelum ferebas, extolled .

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