
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

citrā adv.and praep.

I citer.

I I. Adv, on this side, on the hither side : (dextera) nec citra mota nec ultra, neither this way nor that , O.— On this side, nearer : id a capite arcessere: saepe etiam citra licet, not so far : paucis citra milibus, L.— Fig.: citra quam debuit, less than , O.—

II II. Praep.with acc, on this side of : esse citra Rhenum, Cs.: citra Leucadem stadia CXX: citra flumen intercepti, L.: natus mare citra, H.: exercitum citra flumen educere.— Before, short of : nec a postremā syllabā citra tertiam, before the third syllable .— Fig., of time, before, within : citra Troiana tempora, O.— Short of, inferior to, within, less than : Nec virtus citra genus est, unworthy of the family , O.: citra necem constitit ira, O.: citra fidem, i. e. reason for distrust , Ta.: fines, Quos ultra citraque, etc., H.— Without, aside, from, except : citra speciem, not ornamental , Ta.: citra Caledoniam (Britannia), Ta.

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