
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cohaereō haesī, haesus, ēre

com- + haereo, to cling together, be united, cohere : mundus apte cohaeret. — To consist of, be composed of : alia quibus cohaererent homines. — In thought, to be consistent, agree together : Non cohaerent, T.: haec naturā cohaerentia: sermo non cohaerebit, will have no consistent meaning.—To hold together, remain, exist, maintain itself : qui ruunt nec cohaerere possunt: virtutes sine vitā beatā cohaerere non possunt. — To cling closely, adhere, be connected with, cleave to, be in contact with : dextera ligno cohaesit, O.: scopuloque adfixa cohaesit, O.—Fig., to be closely connected with, be in harmony with, be consistent with : cohaerens cum omni corpore membrum.

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