
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

com-moveō (conm-) mōvī

I (commōrat, T.; commōrit, H.; commōssem, commōsset, commōsse, C.), mōtus, ēre.

I I. To put in violent motion, move, shake, stir: alas, V.: quis sese commovere potest?can stir: commovere se non sunt ausi, N.: si se commoverit, undertook anything, L.: hastam se commovisse, moved spontaneously, L. — Fig., to agitate, disorder, stir, toss, shake, disturb, unsettle, excite, disquiet: omnīs nos, T.: vehementer me: commoveri necesse est, it must make an impression: si quos fuga Gallorum commoveret, Cs.: qui me commorit, flebit, provoke, H.: Neptunus graviter commotus, V.: pol ego istos commovebo, arouse, T.: parricidarum tela, provoke: commotus habebitur (i. e. mente captus), crazed, H.: sed tu ut vitiis tuis commoveare, be affected: aliquem nimiā longinquitate locorum: conmotus irā, S.: admonitu commota ministrae, O.: Neque commovetur animusin eā re tamen, T.: vidi enim vos in hoc nomine, cum testis diceret, commoveri: in hac commotus sum, i. e. in love, T.: ut me neque amor Commoveat neque commoneat, ut servem fidem?T.: commoto omnium aere alieno, i. e. credit being shaken, Ta.—Of abstr. things, to rouse, stir up, excite, produce, generate: tumultum aut bellum: alqd novae dissensionis: invidiam in me: suspicio in servos commovebatur: dolorem: alcui misericordiam. —In discourse: nova quaedam, to start new doctrines, adduce novelties.—

II II. To remove, carry away, displace, start, set in motion, move, drive, impel, rouse: languentem: columnas: castra ex eo loco, decamp: aciem, set in motion, L.: hostem, dislodge, L.: hunc (cervum), hunt, V: nummum, i. e. to turn: sacra, take from the shrines (in religious services), V.: commota tremoribus orbis Flumina prosiliunt, started, O.: glaebam in agro, to stir a clod. — Fig., to move, drive back, dislodge, refute, confute: convellere ea, quae commoveri non possunt: cornua disputationis.

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