
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

commūne is, n

communis, that which is common : ut communibus pro communibus utatur: communia laudas, publicity , H.: sed ne communia solus occupet, the sole credit for common achievements , O.: ius statuere communi dividundo.— A community, state : Milyadum: gentis Pelasgae, O.—In the phrase in commune, for common use, for all, for a common object, for the general advantage : consulere, T.: conferre: vocare honores, equally upon patricians and plebeians , L.: quodcumque est lucri, halves! Ph.: haec in commune accepimus, in general , Ta.: in commune Suebi vocentur, i. e. all , Ta.—In rhet., plur, commonplaces : quae ad causam nihil pertinent.

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