
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

compleō or conpleō ēvī (complērunt, complēsse), ētus, ēre

com- + PLE-, to fill up, fill full, fill out, make full, cram, crowd : hostes fossam complent, Cs.: cum sanguis os oculosque complesset: metu, ne compleantur navigia, L.: completis omnibus templis: non bene urnam, O.: sarmentis fossam, Cs.: Italiam coloniis: loca milite, V.: navīs serpentibus, N.: Dianam coronis, to cover the statue : conviviumque vicinorum cottidie conpieo: cum completus iam mercatorum carcer esset. — In milit. lang., to complete (a number or body), make full, fill up : legiones in itinere, Cs.: cohortīs pro numero militum conplet, S.— To man, fill with men : classem sociis, L.: naves colonis, Cs.— To fill, satiate, satisfy : cibo: omnium rerum copiā exercitum, supplied , Cs.— Fig., of light, sound, etc., to fill, make full : mundum luce, flood : lunae cornua lumine, V.: voce nemus, H.: vox agmina complet, resounds through , V.: completi sunt animi (vestri) me obsistere, etc., it has been dinned into your minds that , etc.: clamor omnia vocibus complet, L.: omnia vini odore.—Poet., of fame: totum quae gloria conpleat orbem, O.— Of feeling or passion, to fill : reliquos bonā spe, Cs.: aliquem gaudio: omnia luctu, S.— To complete, accomplish, fulfil, perfect, finish : Annuus exactis conpletur mensibus orbis, V.: ut ante mediam noctem (sacrum) conpleretur, L.: vitam.— Poet.: tempora Parcae Debita, V.—Of time, to finish, complete, live through, pass : centum annos: quinque saecula vitae suae, O.: vix unius horae tempus, L.

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