
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

concidō (1) cidī, —, ere

cado, to fall together, fall down, tumble, fall to earth : conclave illud concidit: urbs uno incendio: pinus bipenni, Ph.: ad terram, V.: sub onere, L.: concidere miratur arator tauros, O.— To fall dead, be slain, fall : omnes advorsis volneribus conciderant, S.: sparo percussus, N.: in proelio: victima taurus Concidit, O.— Fig., to decline, fall, be overthrown, fail, be defeated, decay, perish, go to ruin, waste away, cease : concidunt venti, subside , H.: falsum crimen concidit: macie, to shrivel , O.: concidit auguris domus, H.: concidit (Phocion) maxime uno crimine, quod, etc., N.: scimus fidem concidisse, was prostrated : praeclara nomina artificum: omnis ferocia, L.: senatūs auctoritas: mente.

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