
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cor cordis (no genplur.), n

CARD-, the heart : sine corde esse: gemitūs alto de corde petiti, O.—Plur, persons, souls (poet.): fortissima, V.: aspera, V.—Fig., the heart, soul, mind : meo Cordi carior, T.: stupor cordis: cor tangere querelā, H.: nequeunt expleri corda tuendo, V.: excute Corde metum, O.: ferocia corda, furious temper , V.—Esp., dat predic ., with esse and dat.of person, to be at heart, please, be agreeable : uterque utriquest cordi, is dear , T.: quae vivis cordi fuisse arbitrantur, loved while alive , Cs.: id eo mihi magis est cordi, quod, etc.: cui tristia bella cordi, V.: adeo exstinguere vestigia urbis cordi est, they are so bent on , L.

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