
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

cōram adv.and praep.

I com-+ōs.

I I. Adv., in the presence, before the eyes, in the face, openly, face to face : coram in os te laudare, T.: coram me praesente dicere: se ipse coram offert, i. e. before the soldiers , L.: veni, H.: adgnoscere voltūs, V.— Present, in person, personally : illum huc adducam, T.: adesse, V.: fidem dare cum ipso coram duce, L.: audire, H.—

II II. Praep.with abl, in the face of, before, in the presence of : genero dicere: coram amicis verba habere, S.: populo, H.: latrone, Iu.: te coram, H.: Germanico coram, Ta.

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