
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

corrigō (conr-) rēxī, rēctus, ere

com- + rego, to make straight, set right, bring into order : correctis ceris, smoothed out , O.: cursum (navis), L.—Fig., to improve, amend, correct, reform, restore : gnatum mi, T.: te: (peccata) refellendo, T.: conrecta Mari temeritas, S.: mores aliorum: Quicquid corrigere est nefas, H.: paterer vos ipsā re conrigi, quoniam verba contemnitis, S.: moram celeri cursu, make up for , O.: quod cecidit, id arte ut conrigas, make the best of it , T.— Of discourse: corrige sodes Hoc, H.: nosmet ipsos.

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