
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

corripiō (conr-) ripuī, reptus, ere

com- + rapio, to seize, snatch up, grasp, collect, take hold of, arrest : quos corripi atque interfici iussit, Cs.: arcum manu, V.: fascibus conreptis, S.: me, to start up , T.: a somno corpus, V.: Flumina correptos torquentia montīs, carried away , V.— To carry off, take as plunder, snatch away : in corripiendis pecuniis: effigiem, V.— To attack, seize, catch, sweep, carry away : flamma Corripuit tabulas, V.: morbi Corpora corripiunt, V.: imber (segetes), O.— To contract, shorten : numina corripiant moras, O.— To hurry over, make haste over : viam, V.: campum, V.— To quicken : gradum. H.—Fig., to reproach, reprove, chide, blame : omnes convicio Lentuli correpti, Cs.: correptus voce magistri, H.: hunc dictis, O.: correpti consules cum percunctarentur, under this rebuke , L.— To seize upon, attack : hunc plausus Corripuit, V.: correpta cupidine, O.: militiā (i. e. militiae studio), V.: imagine visae formae, fascinated , O.

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