Related Words
fundus, i, m. [Sanscr. budh-nas, ground; Gr. πυθμήν, πύνδαξ; O. H. Germ. Bodam; Germ. Boden; v. fodi...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
fundus ī, m
FVD-, the bottom, lowest part : armari fundum exsecuit: maris, Cu.: Nereus ciet aequora fundo, V.: largitio fundum non habet, there is no end of giving.—A piece of land, farm, estate : mancipio fundum accepi: in fundo Fodere, T.: latis otia fundis, V.: cultus, H.: nostri fundi calamitas, T.: pulcherrimus populiR.— Fig., a bottom, foundation : Phrygiae res vertere fundo (i. e. funditus), V.—In public law, an authority, approver : nisi is populus fundus factus esset.
fundus, i, m. [Sanscr. budh-nas, ground; Gr. πυθμήν, πύνδαξ; O. H. Germ. Bodam; Germ. Boden; v. fodi...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.