
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

hūmānus adj.with comp.and sup.

homo, of man, human : species et figura: caput, a human head , H.: hostiae, human sacrifices : caro, Iu.: genus, the human race : omnium divinarum humanarumque rerum consensio: cultus: humanissima voluptas: maior imago Humanā, of superhuman size , Iu.: scelus, against men , L.—As subst n. : si quicquam in vobis humani esset, of human feeling , L.: Homo sum, humani nil a me alienum puto, T.: humano maior Romulus, superhuman , O.—Plur, human affairs, concerns of men, events of life : omnia humana, quaecumque accidere possunt: si quicquam humanorum certi est, L.— Humane, philanthropic, kind, gentle, obliging, polite : Cyrus erga Lysandrum: homo humanissimus.— Of good education, well-informed, learned, polite, refined, civilized : Ubii sunt humaniores, Cs.: gens: homines.

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