Related Words
ĭdĕo, adv. [id-eo, i. e. this for this], for that reason, on that account, therefore (class.; esp. f...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
id-eō adv.,
for that reason, on that account, therefore: neque ideo est causa deterior: atque ideo ad Pompeium contendit, Cs.: fugacissimi, ideoque tam diu superstites, Ta.: nec cellis ideo contende Falernis, V.—With appos. clause giving a reason: re quidem ipsā ideo mihi non satis facio, quod, etc.: ne me foliis ideo brevioribus ornes, Quod timui, etc., H.: sed quia maius est beneficium, ideo peto, ut, etc.: vestrae sapientiae est, non, si causa iusta est, ideo putare, etc.—With a clause denoting a purpose: ideone ego pacem diremi, ut, etc.: an ideo aliquid contra mulieres scripsit, ne, etc.: non, quin breviter reddi responsum potuerit, ideo potius delectos missos, quam, etc., L.
ĭdĕo, adv. [id-eo, i. e. this for this], for that reason, on that account, therefore (class.; esp. f...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.