
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

medius (1) adj.

MED-, in the middle, in the midst, mid, mean, middle : mundi locus: tempus: solio medius consedit, in the middle , V.: medius Polluce et Castore ponar, between , O.: medios ignīs testor, i. e. on the altar between us , V.: medium turba Hunc habet, surrounds , V.: Discessere omnes medii, from the midst , V.: caelestes medio Iove sedent, O.: medium ostendere unguem, point with the middle finger , Iu.: cum inter bellum et pacem medium nihil sit, no middle course : locus medius regionum earum, half-way between , Cs.: locus medius iuguli summique lacerti, between , O.: medius ex tribus, S.: in foro medio, in the middle of the forum : in mediis aedibus: de mediā nocte, midnight , Cs.: mediā aestate, at midsummer : medios dilapsus in hostīs, V.: Phoebus, the sun at noon , O.: (illum) medium adripere, by the middle , T.: iuvenem medium complectitur, L.—Fig., of the middle, middling, medial, moderate : aetatis mediae vir, of middle age , Ph.: nihil medium, sed inmensa omnia volventes animo, L.: gratia non media, extraordinary , L.: ingenium, Ta.: sermones, common , O.— Undetermined, undecided, neutral : medium quendam cursum tenere: medios esse: responsum, ambiguous , L.— Indifferent, not imperative : officium (opp. perfectum).— Intermediate : medium erat in Anco ingenium, et Numae et Romuli memor, like each some respects , L.: consilium, avoiding both extremes , L.— Central, intimate, profound, essential : quae sunt ex mediā laude iustitiae, essential claims to honor : in medio maerore et dolore, buried in : in medio ardore belli, L.: media inter pocula, Iu.: Pacis eras mediusque belli, equally ready for , H.—As subst m., a mediator : paci medium se offert, V.

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