
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

medium ī, n

medius.—In space, the middle, midst, centre, interval, intervening space : in medio aedium sedens, L.: in agmine in medio adesse, S.: medio viae ponere, L.: medio stans hostia ad aram, V.: medio tutissimus ibis, O.: in medium sarcinas coniciunt, L.: Horum unum ad medium Transadigit (hasta), through the middle , V.—Of time: iam diei medium erat, the middle , L.: Nec longum in medio tempus, cum, etc., interval , V.— The midst, public, community : in medio omnibus Palma est posita, qui, etc., open to all , T.: rem totam in medio ponere, publicly : dicendi ratio in medio posita. open to all : Transvolat in medio posita, what is obvious , H.: rem in medium proferre, publish : rem in medium vocare coeperunt, before the public . in medio relinquere, leave undecided : cum iacentia (verba) sustulimus e medio, adopt common words : ex medio res arcessit comoedia, common life , H.: removendae de medio litterae, done away with : hominem de medio tolli posse, be put out of the way : e medio excessit, is dead , T.: tollite lumen E medio, Iu.: recede de medio, go away : in medio esse, be present , T.: venient in medium, come forward : consulere in medium, for the general good , V.: in medium quaerebant, to supply the wants of all , V.: laudem in medium conferentes, ascribing to the whole body (of magistrates), L.: In medium discenda dabat, for all to learn , O.—Fig., a mean, middle course : medium ferire, i. e. strike out a middle theory : mediis copulare concordiam, by a compromise , L.: Virtus est medium vitiorum, H.—Plur, a moderate fortune, middling circumstances : intactu invidiā media sunt, L.

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