
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

novus adj.

1 NV-, new, not old, young, fresh, recent : civitates condere novas: nobilitas, S.: ut rursus novus de integro exsudetur labor, a new task . . . all over again , L.: imperator, S.: novum de integro proelium, L.: hanc ipsam novam (rem) devoravit, his latest windfall : flores, new-blown , H.: serpens, which has cast its old skin , O.: caro, fresh , Iu.—Plur m . as subst, the moderns, our contemporaries : Quae veteres factitarunt si faciant novi, T.—Sing n . as subst: num quidnam esset novi? any news? —With tabernae, the new shops (of money-changers in the Forum): tabernae argentariae, quae nunc novae appellantur, arsere, L.: sub novis (sc. tabernis): Nova via, New street (skirting the north-western slope of the Palatine hill), L.—With tabulae, new account-books, a new account (cancelling old debts): quid enim exspectas? bellum? . . . an tabulas novas? i. e. an abolition of debts : polliceri tabulas novas, S.—With homo, the first of a family to obtain a curule office, one newly ennobled, an upstart, self-made man : me hominem novum consulem fecistis: hominibus novis honores mandare.—As subst.. Hic novus Arpinas, ignobilis, Iu.: pauci consules facti sunt, novus ante me nemo: plebes novos extollebat, men without ancestors , S.—With res, a new thing, news, novelty, innovation, revolution : rem ullam novam adlatam esse: Maelius novis rebus studens, a revolution : cupidus rerum novarum, Cs.: plebes novarum rerum cupida, S.: novarum rerum avidi, S.— New, novel, strange, singular, unusual, unheard of : em nova res ortast, T.: genus pugnae, Cs.: nova tibi haec sunt et inopinata?: Ignoti nova forma viri, V.: monstra, H.: nova acies inaudita ante id tempus, L.—Sing n . as subst: ne quid novi fiat.— New, unused, unaccustomed, inexperienced : maritus, T.: Et rudis ad partūs et nova miles eram, O.: delictis hostium novus, Ta.—Of order, only sup, latest, last, hindermost, extreme : novissimi histriones: novissimum agmen, rear , Cs.: verba, parting , V.: cauda, i. e. end , O.—Plur m . as subst, the rear, last line : novissimis praesidio esse, Cs.: novissimos adorti, Cs.

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