
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ob-stō stitī, —, āre,

to stand before, be opposite: soli luna obstitit, Enn. ap. C.: dum retro quercus eunti Obstitit, stopped his way, O.—To be in the way, withstand, thwart, hinder, oppose, obstruct: obstando magis quam pugnando castra tutabantur, L.: exercitūs hostium duo obstant, block the way, S.: Fata obstant, make it impossible, V.: Paulum negoti mi obstat, T.: res quae obstent Roscio: Obstitit incepto pudor, O.: meritis Romuli, i. e. suppress the fame of, H.: vita eorum huic sceleri obstat, acquits them of this crime, S.: di quibus obstitit Ilium, was an offence to, V.: labentibus (aedibus) obstat vilicus, i. e. keeps from falling, Iu.: ad conatūs verecundia irae obstabat, L.: quid obstat, quo minus sit beatus?: ne quid obstet, quo minus de integro ineatur bellum, L.: quid obstat, cur non (verae nuptiae) fiant?T.: cum religio obstaret, ne non posset dici dictator, L.: nec, si non obstatur, propterea etiam permittitur.

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