
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

ob-strepō uī, —, ere,

to make a noise against, roar at, resound, reëcho: quā violens obstrepit Aufidus, H.: Marisque Bais obstrepentis litora, H.: Fontesque lymphis obstrepunt manantibus (sc. iacenti), H.: si non obstreperetur aquis, O.— To bawl against, clamor at, outbawl: male dicta alia cum adderet, obstrepere omnes, S.: eius modi res obstrepi clamore militum videntur, to be drowned: ut ipsi sibi in dicendo obstrepere videantur: decemviro obstrepitur, L.—To annoy, molest, be troublesome: tibi litteris.—To impede, hinder, be an obstacle: nihil sensere (Poeni), obstrepente pluviā, L.: conscientiā obstrepente, Cu.

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