
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

pateō uī, —, ēre

2 PAT-, to stand open, lie open, be open : mihi patent fores, T.: ut mihi tua domus pateat, T.: nares semper patent: semitae patuerant, Cs.: ne fugae quidem patebat locus, L.: patet isti ianua leto, there lies open , V.— To lie open, be exposed : patens volneri equus, L.— To stretch out, extend : Helvetiorum fines in longitudinem milia passuum CCXI patebant, Cs.—Fig., to be open, be free, be allowable, be accessible, be attainable : si Antonio patuisset Gallia: his omnium domūs patent, Cs.: praemia quae pateant stipendiariis.—Of the mind or senses, to be open, be ready to hear, attend : (constat) patere aurīs tuas querelis omnium: tamquam ad cogitationes pateat animus, Ta.— To be exposed, be liable : multa patentin eorum vitā, quae fortuna feriat.— To extend : in quo vitio latissime patet avaritia.— To be clear, be plain, be well known, be manifest : patere tua consilia non sentis?: cum pateat aeternumid esse, quod, etc.

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