
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

pater (1) tris, m

1 PA-, a father, sire : Tuus hercle vero et animo et naturā pater, T.: patre certo nasci: captivā natus, patre nullo, matre servā, i. e. by an unknown father , L.—Of a fosterfather, T.—Poet.: Rexque patrem vicit, i. e. paternal love , O.—Rarely of animals: virque paterque gregis, O.—In the phrase, pater familias or pater familiae, the head of the household, father of a family, householder ; see familia.—Plur, fathers, forefathers, ancestors, progenitors : patrum nostrorum aetas: apud patres nostros.—As a title of reverence or respect: ipse pater Fulmina molitur dextrā, i. e. Jupiter , V.: Lemnius, i. e. Vulcan , V.: Lenaeus, i. e. Bacchus , V.: pater Silvane, H.: Tiberine, L.: pater Aeneas, V.: vel aetate vel curae similitudine patres adpellabantur (senatores), S.: patres ab honore appellati, L.: Zeno, pater Stoicorum: Herodotus historiae: cenae, host , H.: esuritionum (of a starving pauper), Ct.—In the phrase, pater patriae, father of his country : quem patrem patriae nominarant: Roma patrem patriae Ciceronem libera dixit, Iu.—For the phrase, pater patratus, see patratus.—For the phrase, patres conscripti, see conscriptus.

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