
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

per-eō iī or

(rarely) īvī (perīt, Iu.; perīstī, Pr.; perīsse, L., O.), itūrus, īre, to pass away, come to nothing, vanish, disappear, be lost: ecqua inde perisset soror, T.: ne vena periret aquae, O.: lymphae Dolium pereuntis, H.—To pass away, be destroyed, perish: tantam pecuniam tam brevi tempore perire: totum exercitum periturum, N.: Fac pereat vitreo miles ab hoste tuus (at chess), let your knight be taken by a pawn, O.: causae cur perirent (urbes), H.: peritura regna, V.: pereunt sole tepente nives, melt away, O.: telum robigine, H.—To perish, lose life, die: turpiter: ut intellegeres statim tibi esse pereundum: naufragio: hominum manibus, V.: generosius, H.: a morbo, N.: pereundi mille figurae, forms of death, O.—Fig., to pine away, fall desperately in love: indigno cum Gallus amore peribat, V: quā pereat sagittā, H. —To be lost, fail, be wasted, be spent in vain: ne et oleum et opera perierit: quia multis actiones et res peribant, lawsuits and property were lost, L.: labor, O.: ne nummi pereant, H.: minae, T.—To be lost, be ruined, be undone: meo vitio pereo.— Esp. 1st pers., as an exclamation of despair, I am lost! I'm undone!: ingenio perii, O.: periimus, actum est, we are lost, it is all over with us, T.: peream, si, etc., may I die, if, etc., O.—Fig., of moral qualities, to be lost: virtus, O.: clament periisse pudorem, H.

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