
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prīmus adj. sup.

PRO-, the first, first : Primus sentio mala nostra, T.: primae litterae: primus Graecae civitatis in Thraciam introiit, N.: primus de mille fuisses, O.—Plur m . as subst: in primis stetit, among the foremost , N.: in primis pugnantes, in the van , S.: Utque pedum primis infans vestigia plantis Institerat (i. e. ut primum), V.—In time or place, first, fore, foremost : in primā provinciā, at the entrance of the province : sol, i. e. the rising sun , V.—With quisque, the first possible, the very first : primo quoque tempore, at the very first opportunity : me tibi primum quidque concedente.—As subst n., sing . and plur, the first part, beginning : quod bellum, si prima satis prospera fuissent, L.: utinam a primo ita tibi esset visum, from the first : equites in primo late ire iubet, in the van , S.: qui numerus in primo viget, iacetin extremo, first part .—Fig., of rank or merit, first, chief, principal, excellent, eminent, distinguished, noble : evocat ad se Massiliā quindecim primos, Cs.: sui municipi facile primus: primis urbis placuisse, H.: iuvenum primi, V.: apud te primus, first in your favor , T.: otium atque divitiae, quae prima mortales putant, S.: primas partīs qui aget, plays the leading part , T.: si Allienus tibi primas in dicendo partes concesserit.—Plur f . as subst.(only acc; sc. partīs), the first rank, lead, highest place : actioni primas dedisse Demosthenes dicitur, ascribed supreme importance : amoris erga me tibi primas defero, i. e. the first place among those who love me.—Plur. abl . as subst., in the phrases, in primis, cum primis, among the first, with the foremost, eminently, chiefly, especially, principally, particularly : vir fortis in primis: oppidum in primis Siciliae clarum: homo in primis improbissimus: in primis . . . deinde, in the first place , S.: homo cum primis locuples.

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