
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

prīnceps cipis, adj.

primus+CAP-, first in order, foremost : se principes ex omnibus bellum facturos pollicentur, Cs.: in fugā postremus, in periculo princeps: princeps Horatius ibat, in front , L.: principes pecuniae pollicendae fuerunt, took the lead in : princeps in haec verba iurat, Cs.: ut principes talem nuntium attulisse viderentur, might be the first , Cs.: matri Qui dederit princeps oscula, O.: Princeps ante omnīs agebat Agmen, first of all , V.: qualitatum aliae sunt principes, original : addere principi Limo particulam, H.— The first, chief, most eminent, most noble : longe omnium gravitate princeps Plato: terrarum populus, L.— Prov.: Principibus placuisse viris non ultima laus est, H.—As subst m., the first man, first person : senatūs, first on the roll , S.: principes sententiarum consulares, who were first asked for their opinion , L.— The first, chief, leader, foremost man : in re p. principes esse: iuventutis, one of the noblest of the Roman knights : trecenti principes iuventutis Romanae, i. e. patrician youths , L.: (pueri) aequalium principes, first among their fellows. —A chief, head, author, founder, originator, leader, contriver : Zeno eorum (Stoicorum): Argonautarum, i. e. Jason : principes inferendi belli, Cs.: sententiae in senatu: eius consili principes, Cs.: equitum, at the head of , Iu.: familiae suae, founder , L.— A prince, ruler, sovereign, emperor : hic ames dici pater atque princeps, H.: principis uxor, Iu.—In the army, plur., orig., the foremost line ; hence, the heavy-armed, second line of soldiers ; cf. totidem princeps habebat Corpora (poet. for principes), O.— A company of the principes : primi principis signum, of the first company of the heavyarmed , L.: octavum principem duxit, was centurion of the eighth maniple.—A centurion of the principes : princeps prior, first captain of the principes , Cs.: tertiae legionis, L.— The office of centurion of the principes, captaincy of the principes : mihi primus princeps prioris centuriae est adsignatus, i. e. centurion of the first century of the first maniple , L.

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