
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

propior ius, gen.ōris, adj.comp.(for sup., see proximus)

cf. prope.—In space, nearer, nigher : portus propior, V.: tumulus, L.: Ut propior patriae sit fuga, O.: propior montem suos conlocat, S.—Plur n . as subst: propiora tenens, i. e. pressing nearer , V.—In time, nearer : Septimus octavo propior iam fugerit annus, Ex quo, etc., nearly eight , H.: Maturo funeri, on the verge of , H.— Later, more recent : epistula.—Plur n . as subst, more recent events : ut ad haec propiora veniam.— Fig., closer, more nearly related : quibus propior Quinctio nemo est: gradu sanguinis, O.— More nearly resembling, more like : sceleri quam religioni: tauro, V.: propius vero est, more probable , L.: lingua Britannicae propior, Ta.: scribere Sermoni propiora, H.: propius est fidem, is more credible , L.: quod tamen vitium propius virtutem erat, S.— Nearer, more nearly related, of more concern, of greater import, closer, more intimate : propior societas eorum, qui eiusdem civitatis: sua sibi propiora pericula esse, quam mea: damnum propius medullis, H.: cura, O.— Inclined, attached : Oderat Aenean propior Saturniā Turno, O.

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