
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

triumphus (old, triumpus) ī, m

cf. θρίαμβος, a triumphal procession, triumph, celebration of victory by a public entrance into Rome : res bellicae triumpho dignae: senatus cum triumphum Africano decerneret: ex provinciā triumphum deportavit, N.: Boiorum triumphi spem collegae reliquit, over the Boii , L.: triumpho clarissimo urbem est invectus, L.: tot habet triumphos, quot sunt partes terrarum: ducere triumphos, i. e. head the processions , V.: Io triumphe (the shout of the people saluting the conqueror), H.—Fig., a celebration of victory, triumph, victory : de classe populiR.triumphum agere: pro triumpho nihil a vobis nisi huius temporis memoriam postulo.

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