
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

triumvir or IIIvir virī, genplur. ōrum or ūm, m

tres+vir, one of three associates in office, a member of a board of three, one of three joint commissioners : Gracchum triumvirum coloniis deducundis necaverat, i. e. one of three commissioners to found a colony , S.: agrarius, L.: triumvir rei p., one of three dictators, to reconstitute the state , N.—Plur: triumviros agro dando creat, to distribute land , L.: capitales, superintendents of public prisons and of the police , L.: mensarii, commissioners of a public bank , L.: nocturni, fire-wardens , L.: senatus triumviros binos creari iussit, two recruiting boards, each of three members , L.: triumviri sacris conquirendis donisque persignandis, to solicit and register votive offerings , etc., L.: triumviri reficiendis aedibus, to rebuild the temples , L.

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