
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

tuus pronposs.

tu, thy, thine, your, yours : auditor Panaeti illius tui: de tuis unus est: tuae potestatis semper tu tuaque omnia sint, L.: Tuomst mihi ignoscere, it is your part , T.—As subst n., your property, what is yours, your own : tua nummo sestertio a me addicuntur?: pete tu tuum.—Abl sing. f . with the impersonal verb interest or re fert (for the gen.of tu): tuā et meā maxime interest te valere, it greatly concerns you and me : si quid interesse tuā putasses.— Your own, favorable to you, auspicious, proper, suitable, right for you : tempore tuo pugnasti, L.: neque occasioni tuae desis, L.— Of you (for tui, as gen obj .): neque neglegentiā tuā neque odio id fecit tuo, T.: desiderio tuo.