Related Words
ūtor (old form oetor, oesus, etc., from oitor, oisus, Lex. Thor. lin. 11; inf. parag. oetier, Roga...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
ūtor (old, oetor), ūsus, ī, dep.,
to use, make use of, employ, profit by, take advantage of, enjoy, serve oneself with: utor neque perantiquis neque inhumanis testibus, cite: num argumentis utendum in re eius modi?: dextro (oculo) aeque bene, N.: exemplis in parvo grandibus uti, to apply, O.: naves neque usae nocturnā aurā in redeundo, Cs.: usus est hoc cupidine, tamdiu, dum, etc., i. e. borrowed: si fortunā permittitis uti, to take advantage of, V.: libertate modice utantur, L.: deorum Muneribus sapienter uti, H.: temporibus sapienter utens, taking advantage of, N.: opportunae sunt divitiae ut utare (sc. eis): administris ad ea sacrificia Druidibus, Cs.: ut eā potestate ad quaestum uteretur, might avail himself of: utuntur aut aere aut taleis ferreis ad certum pondus examinatis pro nummo, Cs.—Prov.: scisti uti foro, to make your market, i. e. to conciliate, T.—With acc.(old): Mea, quae praeter spem evenere, utantur sine, T.—Pass., only in gerundive: Quod illa aetas magis ad haec utenda idoneast, i. e. for these enjoyments, T.: te, quod utendum acceperis, reddidisse, what you borrowed: Multa rogant utenda dari, O.—To manage, control, wield: bene armis, optime equis.—To spend, use: notum et quaerere et uti, H.: cum horis nostris nos essemus usi, exhausted.—To wear: pellibus aut parvis tegimentis, Cs.: insignibus regiis.—To accept, adopt: eā condicione, quae a Caesare ferretur, Cs.: praeposteris consiliis.—To resort to, consult: quaestor, cuius consilio uteretur.—To make, adopt, employ, express oneself: si provincia loqui posset, hac voce uteretur: haec oratio, quā me uti res p. coëgit.— To perform, exercise, practise: virtute suā: Viribus per clivos, H.: nil circuitione, T.—To indulge, practise, exercise, yield to: alacritate ac studio, Cs.: incredibili patientiā: dementer amoribus, O.: suā clementiāin eos, Cs.—To experience, undergo, receive, enjoy: Ne simili utamur fortunā atque usi sumus, Quom, ete., T.: hoc honore usi togati solent esse.—To consume, take, drink: Lacte mero et herbis, O.—To enjoy the friendship of, be intimate with, associate with: quā (Caeciliā) pater usus erat plurimum: Utere Pompeio Grospho, H.: regibus, H.—With two abll., to use as, employ for, hold in the capacity of, find to be: Mihi si umquam filius erit, ne ille facili me utetur patre, shall find me an indulgent father, T.: hic vide quam me sis usurus aequo, i. e. how justly I have dealt with you: uteris monitoribus isdem, H.: valetudine non bonā, Cs.
ūtor (old form oetor, oesus, etc., from oitor, oisus, Lex. Thor. lin. 11; inf. parag. oetier, Roga...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.