
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

vestiō (imperf.vestībat, V.), īvī, ītus, īre

vestis, to cover with a garment, provide with clothing, dress, clothe, vest : satis commode vestiti: et ali et vestiri a Caeciliā: te Vestiunt lanae, H.: Phrygiā vestitur bucca tiarā, Iu.—Of animals, to clothe, cover, robe : animantes villis vestitae: sandyx vestiet agnos, V.— To clothe, cover, deck, array, attire, surround, adorn : campos lumine (aether), V.: vestitum vepribus sepulcrum: montes vestiti, i. e. covered with verdure : trabes multo aggere, Cs.: genas vestibat flore iuventa, i. e. beard , V.: vestiti messibus agros, O.—Fig., to clothe, dress, surround, adorn : exquisitas sententias pellucens vestiebat oratio: Gloria quem supra vires vestit, H.: iuventa oratione.

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