
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

vestis is, f

2 VAS-, sing collect., a covering for the body, clothes, clothing, attire, vesture : discidit Vestem, T.: sumptā veste virili, H.: dolorem veste significare: pretiosa, L.—In the phrase, mutare vestem, to change one's garments, put on other clothing : muta vestem (for disguise), T.: mutando vestem sese ab insidiis munierat, L.: vestem mutandam omnes putarunt, i. e. that they must put on mourning.—Plur., clothes, garments : aurum vestibus inlitum Mirata, H.: albae, Cu.: meretriciae, Ta.: picturatae auri subtemine vestes, V.: vestibus extentis, Iu.— A carpet, rug, tapestry (in full, stragula vestis): plena domus stragulae vestis: Tyriae vestes, H.

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