
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

virīlis e, adj.

vir, of a man, like a man, manly, masculine, virile : stirps fratris, male , L.: voltus, O.: coetus, of men , O.: flamma, a man's love , O.— Manly, full-grown, mature : partes, the characters of full-grown men , H.: toga, the garb of manhood (assumed at the age of sixteen).—In phrases with pars or portio: mea pars virilis, my duty : plus quam pars virilis postulat, my proper share : cum illius gloriae pars virilis apud omnīs milites sit, etc., i. e. each soldier has his share , L.: pro virili parte defendere, i. e. to the exlent of their power : plus quam pro virili parte obligatus, i. e. yet more than others : pro virili portione, Ta.; cf. chorus officium virile Defendat, H.— Worthy of a man, manly, bold, spirited, noble : facere, quod parum virile videatur: laterum inflexio: ingenium, S.: ratio atque sententia.

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