
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Callisto, ūs (ōnis, Serv. ad. Verg. G. 1, 67), f., = Καλλιστώ,

daughter of the Arcadian king Lycaon (hence, Lycaonis, Ov. F. 2, 173: virgo Tegeaea, id. ib. 2, 167: Maenalia, id. ib. 2, 192: virgo Nonacrina, id. M. 2, 409), and mother of Arcas by Jupiter; changed by Juno , on account of jealousy , into a she-bear , and then raised to the heavens by Jupiter in the form of the constellation Helice or Ursa Major, Hyg. Fab. 176; 177; Prop. 2 (3), 28, 23; Col. 11, 2, 15; Ov. F. 2, 156 sq.; cf. id. M. 2, 401 sq.— Acc. Callisto, Hyg. Astr. 2, 1.— Dat. Callisto Lycaonidi, Cat. 66, 66.— Abl. Callisto, Hyg. Fab. 155.