
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

Neptūnālis, e, adj. [Neptunus],

Neptunian : Ludi Neptunales, Tert. Spect. 6.— Also absol. : Neptūnālĭa , ĭum (and ōrum, Inscr. Grut. 460, 3), n., games in honor of Neptune , Varr. L. L. 6, § 19 Müll.; Charis. p. 21 P.; Diom. p. 315 ib.; Prisc. p. 663 ib.; Aus. Ecl. de Fer. Rom. 19; Inscr. Orell. 2, p. 411.