
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

neptis, is, f. (like nepos, orig. comm.; as

masc. , still found in an inscr.: C. COELIO VERO NEPTI, Inscr. Murat. 692, 2; cf. nepos as fem. in class. Lat. exclusively) [1. nepos], a granddaughter : filii, filiae, nepotes, neptes, Cic. Tusc. 1, 35, 85: neptes Licinias, id. Brut. 58, 211: vestis ab uxore et filiā, neptibusque confecta, Suet. Aug. 73; 31: neptis Veneris, i. e. Ino , Ov. M. 4, 530: doctas Cybeleia, neptes vidit, i. e. the Muses , id. F. 4, 191; Juv. 6, 265.— Acc. : neptim, Curt. 6, 2, 7.— Abl. : nepti, Tac. A. 3, 24.— Gen. plur. : neptium, Just. Inst. 3, 1, 15 Krüg.—Also, a niece , Spart. Hadr. 2; cf. 1, nepos init.

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