
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

părădīsus, i, m., = παράδεισος, a park.

I Lit.: vivaria quae nunc vulgus, quos παραδείσους Graeci appellant, Gell. 2, 20, 4: in paradiso, hoc est in viridario, Aug. Serm. 343, n. 1; Vulg. Gen. 2, 8: malorum. an orchard , id. Cant. 4, 13.—

II Transf.

A Paradise , the dwelling-place of the first human beings, the Garden of Eden , Hier. Ep. 52, n. 5: plantatus paradisus in Eden, id. ib. 69, n. 6.—

B Paradise , the abode of the blessed, Tert. Apol. 47; id. Carm. Judic. Dom. 195: Vulg. Ecclus. 44, 16; id. Luc. 23, 43.—

III A town of Coelesyria , Plin. 5, 23, 19, § 82.—

IV A river in Cilicia, Plin. 5, 27, 22, § 93.