
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.

torno, āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [tornus], to turn in a lathe, to round off.

I Lit. (class.; syn. rotundo): idque ita tornavit (deus), ut nihil effici possit rotundius, Cic. Univ. 6: sphaeram, id. Rep. 1, 14, 22: hastas, Plin. 11, 39, 93, § 227: lapis qui tornatur in vasa, id. 36, 22, 44, § 159: turbines columnarum, id. 36, 13, 19, § 90.—

II Transf., to turn , fashion , smooth (very rare): male tornati versus, Hor.A.P. 441: barbam, i.e. to stroke , Hier. Ep. 50, 2. — P. a. comp. : tornatioris eloquii, Aug. de Catechiz. 8.

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