jack in a box
A sharper, or cheat. A child in the mother's womb.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
Jack in a Box
i.q. Hair-trigger (q.v.).
1854. `The Home Companion,' p. 554:
«When previously mentioning the eleg...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
jack in the basket
A sort of wooden cap or basket on the top of a pole, to mark a sand-bank or hidden danger.
The Sailor's Word-Book
jack in the dust
See jack in the bread-room
The Sailor's Word-Book
jack in office
An insolent fellow in authority.
The Sailor's Word-Book
bōx, bōcis, m., = βώξ, βόαξ, a sea-fish , otherwise unknown, Plin. 32, 11, 53, § 145. In Paul. ex ...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
·noun A small country house.
II. Box ·vt To inclose in a box.
III. Box ·noun The quantity that a b...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
For holding oil or perfumery (Mark 14:3). It was of the form of a flask or bottle. The Hebrew word (...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
The name is applied to many Eucalypts, and toa few trees of the genus Tr...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
The space between the back-board and the stern-post of a boat, where the coxswain sits.
The Sailor's Word-Book
jack in the bread-room
, or jack in the dust.
The purser's steward's assistant in the bread and steward's room.
The Sailor's Word-Book
·noun The wall-eyed pike.
II. Jack ·noun A sawhorse or sawbuck.
III. Jack ·noun A young pike; a pi...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
A farthing, a small bowl serving as the mark for bowlers. An instrument for pulling off boots.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
1) Haifa pint. Yorks.
2) a quarter of a pint.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
In the British navy the jack is a small union flag, formed by the intersection of St. George's and S...
The Sailor's Word-Book
to box the compass
To say or repeat the mariner's compass, not only backwards or forwards, but also to be able to answe...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
to box the jesuit, and get cock roaches
A sea term for masturbation; a crime, it is said, much practised by the reverend fathers of that soc...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
Jack the Painter
very strong bush-tea, socalled from the mark it leaves round the drinker's mouth.
1855. G. C. M...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
in the wind
The state of a vessel when thrown with her head into the wind, but not quite all in the wind (see al...
The Sailor's Word-Book
jack in an office
An insolent fellow in authority.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
in (old forms endŏ and indŭ, freq. in ante-class. poets; cf. Enn. ap. Gell. 12, 4; id. ap. Macr. S...
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
in I old indu, prep.with acc.or abl.
I I. With acc., in space, with verbs implying ent...
An Elementary Latin Dictionary
in- an inseparable particle cf. Gr. ἀ-, ἀν-; Germ. and Eng. un-, which, prefixed to an adj., negati...
An Elementary Latin Dictionary
·- A suffix. ·see the Note under -ine.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A reentrant angle; a nook or corner.
II. In ·noun One who is in office;
— the opposite of ou...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·- An inseparable prefix, or particle, meaning not, non-, un- as, inactive, incapable, inapt. In- re...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
for into. Mr. Colman, in remarking upon the prevalence of this inaccuracy in New York, says: "We get...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
The state of any sails in a ship when they are furled or stowed, in opposition to out, which implies...
The Sailor's Word-Book
box the compass, to
Not only to repeat the names of the thirty-two points in order and backwards, but also to be able to...
The Sailor's Word-Book
·noun An old game played with four dice. In signified a doublet, or two dice alike; in-and-in, eithe...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Axle box
·- The journal box of a rotating axle, especially a railway axle.
II. Axle box ·- A bushing in the ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Box kite
·add. ·- A kite, invented by Lawrence Hargrave, of Sydney, Australia, which consist of two light rec...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Box tail
·add. ·- In a flying machine, a tail or rudder, usually fixed, resembling a box kite.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A hollow smoothing iron containing a heater within.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A small box to hold a sailor's thread, needless, comb, ·etc.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Drudging box
·- ·see Dredging box.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Junction box
·add. ·- A box through which the main conductors of a system of electric distribution pass, and wher...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Pepper box
·add. ·noun A buttress on the left-hand wall of a fives court as the game is played at Eton College,...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Pouchet box
·- ·see Pouncet box.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Pouncet box
·- A box with a perforated lid, for sprinkling pounce, or for holding perfumes.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A box containing lighted tinder, formerly carried by soldiers who used matchlocks, to kindle t...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Vanity box
·add. ·- A small box, usually jeweled or of precious metal and worn on a chain, containing a mirror,...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
(Heb. teashshur), mentioned in Isa. 60:13; 41:19, was, according to some, a species of cedar growing...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
black box
A lawyer. Cant.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
bone box
The mouth. Shut your bone box; shut your mouth.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
butter box
A Dutchman, from the great quantity of butter eaten by the people of that country.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
chatter box
One whose tongue runs twelve score to the dozen, a chattering man or woman.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
eternity box
A coffin.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
juggler's box
The engine for burning culprits in the hand. CANT.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
knowledge box
The head.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
prattling box
The pulpit.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
sauce box
A term of familiar raillery, signifying a bold or forward person.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
slang name for a roughly-constructed dwelling.
1875. `Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasma...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
See bean, Queensland
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
a New Zealand wood, Olealanceolata, Hook., N.O. Jasminea (Maori name, Maire). Used by the `Welli...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
Eucalyptus microtheca,F. v. M. See Box. This tree has also many other names.See Maiden's `Useful...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
native box
See box.
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
See box.
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
bad box
To be in a bad box, is to be in a bad predicament.
I began to be afraid now I'd got into rather a b...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
One whose tongue runs incessantly.--Todd.
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
A name given to the brig-traders of lumpy form, from London, Bristol, and other English ports. A can...
The Sailor's Word-Book
The accoutrement which contains the musket-cartridges: now generally called a pouch.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A cylindrical wooden box with a lid sliding upon a handle of small rope, just containing one cartrid...
The Sailor's Word-Book
A small caddy for holding a seaman's stock of valuables.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A space crossing the whole front of the boiler over the furnace doors, opposite the smoke-box.
The Sailor's Word-Book
, or naval hood.
Pieces of plank bolted outside round each of the hawse-holes, to support the proj...
The Sailor's Word-Book
Synonymous with limber-trunk.
The Sailor's Word-Book
The frame of wood which encircles the upper part of the paddle-wheel.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A case for keeping a temporary supply of cartridges for the immediate use of the great guns; it is u...
The Sailor's Word-Book
A part which crosses the whole front of a marine boiler, over the furnace doors; or that part betwee...
The Sailor's Word-Book
A contrivance on the top of a steam cylinder-cover, packed with hemp, and kept well soaked with tall...
The Sailor's Word-Book
The receptacle for lighted tinder when match-locks were used.
The Sailor's Word-Book
·noun Apple brandy.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun The ensign of a pirate.
II. Black-jack ·noun The Quercus nigra, or barren oak.
III. Black-ja...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
California jack
·add. ·- A game at cards, a modification of seven-up, or all fours.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun ·Alt. of Cheap-john.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Jack Ketch
·- A public executioner, or hangman.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A timeserver; an inconstant person.
II. Minute-jack ·noun A figure which strikes the hour on ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun A climbing shrub (Berchemia volubilus) of the Southern United States, having a tough and pliab...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
London, Jack
(b. 1876)
American novelist. The Son of the Wolf (1900), The God of his Fathers, Children of the Fr...
Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature by John W. Cousin
black jack
1) A nick name given to the Recorder by the Thieves.
2) A jug to drink out of, made of jacked leath...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
glim jack
A link-boy. CANT.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
jack adams
A fool. Jack Adams's parish; Clerkenwell.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
jack ketch
The hangman; vide DERRICK and KETCH.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
jack pudding
The merry andrew, zany, or jester to a mountebank.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
jack robinson
Before one could say Jack Robinson; a saying to express a very short time, originating from a very v...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
jack sprat
A dwarf, or diminutive fellow.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
jack weight
A fat man.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
jack whore
A large masculine overgrown wench.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
a bird of the South Island of NewZealand, Creadion cinereus, Buller. See also Saddle-back and Cr...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
jack shay
or Jackshea, n.
a tin quart-pot.
1881. A. C. Grant, `Bush Life in Queensland,' vol. i. p. 209:
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
name given to the tree Flindersiaoxleyana, F. v. M., N.O. Meliaceae; called alsoLight Yellow-Wood.
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
a form of bush cookery.
1853. `The Emigrant's Guide to Australia.' (Article onBush-Cookery, fro...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
The word is English in thesense of a strong cane, and is the name of various climbingshrubs from...
Dictionary of Australasian Words Phrases and Usages by Edward E. Morris
apple jack
A liquor distilled from cider; also called cider brandy.
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
A fried cake; a pan-cake; a fritter. A word used alike in England and the United States, where it is...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
supple jack
(Lat. rhamnus volubilis.) The popular name of a vine common to some of the Southern States. Twisted ...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
a small pasty, or turn-over. Glouc.
A glossary of provincial and local words used in England by Francis Grose
The ensign of a pirate. Also, a capacious tin can for beer, which was formerly made of waxed leather...
The Sailor's Word-Book
See jack-screw.
The Sailor's Word-Book
jack adams
A stubborn fool.
The Sailor's Word-Book
jack afloat
A sailor. Euripides used almost the same term in floater, for a seaman.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A minnow.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A block occasionally attached to the topgallant-tie, and through which the top-gallant top-rope is r...
The Sailor's Word-Book
Large coverings for the feet and legs, outside all, worn by fishermen.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A name on our southern coasts for the heron.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A horn-handled clasp-knife with a laniard, worn by seamen.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A name applied to the fife-rail pins, also called Tack-pins.
The Sailor's Word-Book
jack robinson
♦ Before you could say Jack Robinson, is a very old expression for a short time,
"A warke it ys as...
The Sailor's Word-Book
A small machine used to cant or lift weighty substances, and in stowing cotton or other elastic good...
The Sailor's Word-Book
A common sobriquet of the Squalus tribe.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A small fresh-water fish, otherwise known as prickly-back.
The Sailor's Word-Book
A short staff raised at the bowsprit-cap, upon which the union-jack is hoisted.
The Sailor's Word-Book
Ropes, battens, or iron bars placed on a yard or spar and set taut, either for bending the head of a...
The Sailor's Word-Book
A portable machine for lifting heavy objects, acting by the power either of the lever, the tooth and...
The Sailor's Word-Book
A dandified trifling officer; an upstart. Also, the merry-thought of a fowl. Also, a small fish of t...
The Sailor's Word-Book
The union flag used separately; in the merchant service it must have a broad white border.
The Sailor's Word-Book
An old term, equivalent to fresh-water sailor, or a sham-shipwrecked tar. (See turnpike-sailors.)
The Sailor's Word-Book
Hole in the air
·add. ·- = Air hole, above.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Ephraim in the wilderness
(John 11: 54), a town to which our Lord retired with his disciples after he had raised Lazarus, and ...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Thorn in the flesh
(2 Cor. 12:7-10). Many interpretations have been given of this passage.
1) Roman Catholic writers t...
Easton's Bible Dictionary
Burnt in the Fire 1666.
Not further identified.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Le Cok in the Houpe
A tenement so called in parish of St. Alphege at London Wall 1349 (Ct. H.W. I. 566).
No further ref...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Dunstan in the East
On the west side of St. Dunstan's Hill at No. 2 (P.O. Directory). In Tower Ward.
Earliest mention f...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Dunstan in the West
On the north side of Fleet Street at No. 187 (P.O. Directory), between Fetter Lane and Chancery Lane...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) James' in the Temple
See Temple Church.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Martin in the Jewry
Thomas the priest of St. Martin's in the Jewry is mentioned in a Deed about 1197, as witness to a gr...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Olave in the Shamb1es
Parish mentioned in Will of Milo de Wynton, 1273-4 (Ct. H.W. I. 16).
Perhaps the church of St. Nich...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Pye in the Royall
A Messuage so called in the parish of St. Michael Paternoster Church, 1565 (Lond. I. p.m. II. 35).
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Stephen in the Jewry
See St. Stephen Coleman Street.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Ursula in the Poultry
Seint Vrsula, chapel in the Pultry, mentioned in the list of Parish Churches of London in Arnold's C...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
babes in the wood
Criminals in the stocks, or pillory.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
dicked in the nob
Silly. Crazed.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
drop in the eye
Almost drunk.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
flush in the pocket
Full of money. The cull is flush in the fob. The fellow is full of money.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
shove in the mouth
A dram.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
ten in the hundred
An usurer; more than five in the hundred being deemed usurious interest.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
wheelband in the nick
Regular drinking over the left thumb.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
windmills in the head
Foolish projects.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
wolf in the breast
An extraordinary mode of imposition, sometimes practised in the country by strolling women, who have...
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
wolf in the stomach
A monstrous or canine appetite.
Dictionary of The Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
to flash in the pan
To fail of success. A metaphor borrowed from a gun, which, after being primed and ready to be discha...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
down in the mouth
Dispirited, dejected, disheartened.--Brockett's Glossary.
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
dyed in the wool
Ingrained; thorough.
The Democrats, on the authority of Mr. Cameron's letter, are beginning to clai...
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
shot in the neck
Drunk. A Southern phrase.
Dictionary of American Words And Phrases by John Russell Bartlett.
cloth in the wind
Too near to the wind, and sails shivering. Also, groggy.
The Sailor's Word-Book
cross in the hawse
Is when a ship moored with two anchors from the bows has swung the wrong way once, whereby the two c...
The Sailor's Word-Book
down in the mouth
Low-spirited or disheartened.
The Sailor's Word-Book
elbow in the hawse
Two crosses in a hawse. When a ship, being moored in a tide-way, swings twice the wrong way, thereby...
The Sailor's Word-Book
flash in the pan
An expressive metaphor, borrowed from the false fire of a musket, meaning to fail of success after p...
The Sailor's Word-Book
lay in the oars
Unship them from the rowlocks, and place them fore and aft in the boat.
The Sailor's Word-Book
sheet in the wind
Half intoxicated; as the sail trembles and is unsteady, so is a drunken man.
The Sailor's Word-Book
square in the head
Very bluff and broad in the fore-body.
The Sailor's Word-Book
turn in the hawse
Two crosses in a cable.
The Sailor's Word-Book
wind in the teeth
Dead against a ship.
The Sailor's Word-Book
Bezer In The Wilderness
a city of refuge in the downs on the east of the Jordan. (4:43; Joshua 20:8; 21:36; 1 Chronicles 6:7...
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
Wandering In The Wilderness
[Wilderness Of The Wandering OF THE WANDERING]
William Smith's Bible Dictionary
crossing the cables in the hatchway
A method by which the operation of coiling is facilitated; it alludes to hempen cables, which are no...
The Sailor's Word-Book
·vi ·see <<Thee>>.
II. The (·art·def) A word placed before nouns to limit or individualize their me...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Chapel in (St.) Dunstan in the East Churchyard
There was a chapel "upon the charnell in the chirch haue of Seint Dunstan in the Est," mentioned in ...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
becket, the tacks and sheets in the
The order to hang up the weather-main and fore-sheet, and the lee-main and fore-tack, to the small k...
The Sailor's Word-Book
All Hallows in the Ropery
See All Hallows the Great.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Dog's Head in the Pot
A shop called the Dogges Hedde in the potte in parish of St. Peter in Cheap, 4 Ed. VI. 1550 (Lond. I...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Dunstan Fraternity, in the Go1dsmithery
Various bequests were made to the Wardens of this Fraternity in the 13th and 14th centuries.
Simon ...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Dunstan in the East, Churchyard
On the north and south sides of the Church (O.S.). Churchyard of the Church of St. Dunstan in East c...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Hole in the Wall Court
At No. 6o Fleet Street (Lockie, 1810).
Named after the public house so called.
The name is said to...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) James' in the Wall Hermitage
A chapel or hermitage adjoining the north-west corner of the Wall of London near Cripplegate in Farr...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) James' in, near the Vintry
See St. James' Garlickhithe.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) John in the White Tower
See St. John's Chapel in the Tower.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) John's Chapel in the Tower
In the White Tower, Tower of London. A fine specimen of Norman architecture. Records kept there (De ...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
Standard in the Old Bailey
Mentioned by Stow (391) and the waste of the water served the prisoners in Ludgate.
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
(St.) Stephen's Lane in the Jewry
Rents in the lane of St. Stephen in the Jewry near the Brethren of the Penance of Jesus Christ, 1291...
A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.
board him in the smoke
To take a person by surprise, as by firing a broadside, and boarding in the smoke.
The Sailor's Word-Book
lieutenant, in the royal navy
The officer next in rank and power below the commander. There are several lieutenants in a large shi...
The Sailor's Word-Book
pay-serjeant, in the army
A steady non-commissioned officer, selected by the captain of each company, to pay the subsistence d...
The Sailor's Word-Book
round-turn in the hawse
A term implying the situation of the two cables of a ship, which, when moored, has swung the wrong w...
The Sailor's Word-Book
shake in the wind, to
To bring a vessel's head so near the wind, when close-hauled, as to shiver the sails.
The Sailor's Word-Book
span in the rigging, to
To draw the upper parts of the shrouds together by tackles, in order to seize on the cat-harping leg...
The Sailor's Word-Book
three sheets in the wind
Unsteady from drink.
The Sailor's Word-Book
in eopte
in eopte eo ipso, Paul. ex Fest. p. 110 Müll.
A New Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis Ph.D. and Charles Short, LL. D.
Biting in
·- The process of corroding or eating into metallic plates, by means of an acid. ·see <<Etch>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In antis
·- Between antae;
— said of a portico in classical style, where columns are set between two antae, ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In commendam
·- ·see <<Commendam>>, and Partnership in Commendam, under <<Partnership>>.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In esse
·- In being; actually existing;
— distinguished from in posse, or in potentia, which denote that a ...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In loco
·- In the place; in the proper or natural place.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In posse
·- In possibility; possible, although not yet in existence or come to pass;
— contradistinguished f...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In rem
·add. ·- Lit., in or against a (or the) thing;.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In situ
·- In its natural position or place;
— said of a rock or fossil, when found in the situation in whi...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In transitu
·- In transit; during passage; as, goods in transitu.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
In vacuo
·- In a vacuum; in empty space; as, experiments in vacuo.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun The act of going in; entrance.
II. In-going ·adj Going; entering, as upon an office or a poss...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun The act of bearing a child.
II. Lying-in ·noun The state attending, and consequent to, childb...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
Printing in
·add. ·- A process by which cloud effects or other features not in the original negative are introdu...
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language
·noun The first coat of plaster laid on brick; also, the process of applying it.
Webster's Dictionary of the English Language