Martin's Lane

A Dictionary of London by Henry A Harben.

1) South out of Cannon Street, at No. 114, to Arthur Street West (P.O. Directory). In Candlewick Ward, and formerly in Bridge Ward Within.

Earliest mention: "Street of St. Martin Orgor," 3 Ed. I. (Rot. Hund. I. 421). "Lane of St. Martin Orgar," 1314-15 (Ct. H.W. I. 250).

Other names and forms : "St. Martin Orgar Lane," 1342 (ib. II. 66). "St. Martin's Lane" (S. 217-Elmes, 1831). "Martin's Lane " (O.S. 1848-51).

Until about 1831 the street extended south to Upper Thames Street, but at that time the southern end was removed for the formation of Arthur Street West, while some houses at the northern end have been demolished for the widening of Cannon Street.

Named after St. Martin Orgar Church.

2) St. Martin's Lane

See St. Martin le Grand, Street.

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