Arsia Silva

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

A´RSIA SILVA a wood on the confines of the Roman and Veientine territories, where a battle was fought between the Roman consuls Brutus and Valerius Poplicola and the exiled Tarquins, supported by the Veientines and Tarquinians, in which Aruns, the son of Tarquin, and Brutus, were both slain. (Liv. 2.6; Val. Max.; Plut. Popl. 9, who writes the name Οὖρσον ἄλσος.) The name is never again mentioned: it was probably nothing more than a sacred grove. Dionysius calls it δρυμὸς ἱερὸς ἥρωος Ὁράτου (5.14); but the last name is probably corrupt.