Beudos Vetus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BEUDOS VETUS a town of Phrygia, which Livy (Liv. 38.15), when describing the march of Manlius, places five Roman miles from Synnada, and between Synnada and Anabura. Hamilton ( Researches, &c. vol. 1. p. 467) is inclined to fix it at Eski(Old) Kara Hissar, which is situated about 5 or 6 miles due north of the great plain of Phrygia Paroreius, throughout which are considerable remains of ancient monuments and inscriptions.But Beiad, a place NE. of Eski Kara Hissar, may be Beudos, for the names are the same. (Leake, Asia, Minor, p. 56.) If the site of Synnada could be certainly ascertained, we might determine, perhaps, that of Beudos. [SYNNADA]