
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

vetus eris, adj.with sup.veterrimus (for comp.see vetustus)

VET-, old, aged, advanced in years : poëta, T.: veteres et moris antiqui memores, L.: laurus, V.— Old, of long standing, seated : contumelia, Cs.: invidia, inveterate : amici (opp. novi): veterrima (amicitia): consuetudo, S.: provinciae, L.—Of soldiers: ille exercitatus et vetus (miles): milites, Cs.: legiones, L.: (tabernae) Veteres, the old booths of money-changers in the Forum (opp. Novae), L.—Esp., in the phrase, vetus est, it is an old saying : vetus est, de scurrā divitem fieri posse, etc.— Old, of a former time, former, earlier, ancient : credendum est veteribus et priscis, ut aiunt, viris: veterrimi poëtae Stoici: fama veterum malorum, V.: iniuria, Ph.—Plur m . as subst, the ancients, men of old, fathers, forefathers : maiores nostri, veteres illi: Quae veteres factitarunt, ancient writers , T.—Plur n . as subst, the old, antiquity : si vetera mihi ignota (sunt), earlier events : vetera omittere, to leave out of consideration , S.: scrutari vetera, traditions : haec vetera, these old writings , Ta.

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