Magnus Portus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. (Πόρτος μάγνος,Ptol. 2.4.7; comp. Marcian. p. 41), a port-town of Hispania Baetica, between the town Abdara and the Prom. Charidemi.

2. (Μέγας λιμήν,Ptol. 2.6.4), a bay on the coast of the Gallaeci Lucenses, which is evidently the same as the Artabrorum Sinus. [Vol. 1. 226b.]

3. (Μέγας λιμήν,Ptol. 2.3. §§ 4, 33), a barbour in Britain, opposite the island of Vectis, corresponds to Portsmouth.

4. (Πόρτος Μάγνος,Ptol. 4.2.2; Mela, 1.5; Plin. Nat. 5.2; It. Anton. p. 13), a port-town of Mauretania Caesariensis, on the road between Gilva and Quiza, described by Pliny as civium Romanorum oppidum.It is identified by Forbiger with Oran, of which the harbour is still called Mars-el-Kibir, i. e., the great Harbour.

5. (Μεγάς λιμήν,Ptol. 4.6.6), a port on the west coast of Libya Interior, between the mouth of the river Daradus and the promontory Ryssadium.