
An Elementary Latin Dictionary

īmus adj. sup.

contr. for infimus, the lowest, deepest, last : ab imis unguibus usque ad verticem summum: penetralia, O.: imā verrit vestigia caudā, tip , V.: fundo in imo, at the very bottom , V.: vox, the highest treble (opp. summa, the bass), H.: conviva, at the foot , H.: ad imam quercum, at the foot of the oak , Ph.: currūs, low wheels (of the plough-team), V.: deorum Gratus imis, of the lower world , H.—As subst n., the bottom, depth, lowest part : murus ab imo ad summum, L.: locus ab imo acclivis, Cs.: Ianus summus ab imo, from end to end , H.: vertere ab imo moenia, utterly , V.: (aurīs) instabiles imo facit, at the roots , O.: aquae perspicuae imo, to the bottom , O.: medio ne discrepet imum, the end , H.: Dormiet in lucem . . . ad imum Thraex erit, at last , H.: inter Ima pedis, clefts of the hoof , V.: ima summis Mutare, turn the lowest into the highest , H.: qui regit ima, the under world , O.—Fig., of time or rank, the last (poet.): mensis, O.: poëma, Si paulum summo decessit, vergit ad imum, from the sublime . . . to the ridiculous , H.

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