Miletopolitis Lacus

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

MILETOPOLI´TIS LACUS(Μιλητουπολῖτις λίμνη), a lake in the north-west of Mysia, deriving its name from the town of Miletopolis, near its western shore. (Strab. xii. pp. 575, 576.) According to Pliny (Plin. Nat. 5.40) the lake also bore the name Artynia, and probably confounding the river Tarsius with the Rhyndacus, he erroneously describes the latter river as having its origin in the lake, whereas, in fact, the Rhyndacus enters the lake in the south, and issues from it in the north. It now bears the name of the lake of Maniyas(Hamilton, Researches, &c. , vol. 2. p. 105, &c.)