Via Amerina

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

VIA AMERINA is the name given in an inscription of the time of Hadrian (Orell. Inscr. 3306) to a line of road, which must obviously be that leading direct from Rome to Ameria. This, as we learn from the Tabula, branched off from the Via Cassia at Baccanae ( Baccano), and proceeded through Nepete and Falerii to Ameria. The stations and distances as there given are:— Rome toBaccanaexxi.M. P. Nepete ( Nepi)ix.  Falerii ( Sta Maria di Falleri)v.  Castellum Amerinumxii.  Ameria ( Amelia)ix. 
The sum of these distances (56 miles) agrees precisely with the statement of Cicero, who, in the oration Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino (100.7.18), observes that it was 56 miles from Ameria to Rome.
According to the Tabula a prolongation of the same road led from Ameria to Tuder, and thence by a circuitous route through Vettona and Perusia to Clusium, where it rejoined the Via Cassia. The first station to Ameria is omitted: thence to Tuder (Todi), wasvi.M. P.Vettona ( Bettona)xx. Perusia ( Perugia)xiv. 
The distance from that city to Clusium is again omitted.