Via Clodia

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

VIA CLODIA was the name of a highroad that branched off from the Via Cassia, to the left, about 10 miles from Rome, near the inn of La Storta, where remains of the ancient pavement, indicating its direction, may still be seen. The name of the Via Clodia is known to us only from the Itineraries, and from inscriptions of imperial date (Orell. Inscr. 822, 3143); but from the form of the name there can be no doubt that it dates from the republican period, though we have no account when or by whom this line of road was constructed. The Itineraries indeed seem to have regarded the Via Clodia as the main line, of which the Via Cassia was only a branch, or rather altogether confounded the two; but it is evident from the passage of Cicero above quoted, that the Via Cassia was, properly speaking, the main line, and the Clodia merely a branch of it. At the same time, the occurrence of a Forum Clodii on the one branch, as well as a Forum Cassii on the other, leave no doubt which were the true lines designated by these names. The course of the Via Clodia as far as Sabate ( Bracciano) admits of no doubt, though the distances given in the Tabula are corrupt and uncertain; but the position of Forum Clodii is uncertain, and the continuation of the line is very obscure. It appears indeed to have held a course nearly parallel with that of the Via Cassia, through Blera, Tuscania, and Saturnia; but from the latter place the Tabula represents it as proceeding to Succosa (Sub Cosa), which would be an abrupt turn at right angles, and could never have been the direction of the principal line of road. It is probable that this was either carried up the valley of the Ombroneto Siena(Sena Julia), or proceeded across the marshy plains of that river to join the Via Aurelia. But this is mere conjecture. The stations, as given in the Tabula (the only one of the Itineraries in which the true Via Clodia is found), are as follow:— From Rome toAd Sextumvi.M. P. Careiae (Galera )ix.  Ad Novasviii.  Sabate ( Bracciano)—  Forum Clodii—  Blera ( Bieda)xvi. (?) Marta (Ad Martam fl.)ix.  Tuscania ( Toscanella)—  Maternum ( Farnese?)xii.  Saturnia (Saturnia )xviii. 
The Antonine Itinerary, without giving the route in detail, says simply—A Roma Fore Clodii, M. P.xxxii.
If this distance be correct, Forum Clodii must be placed either at or a little beyond Oriuolo, which is 6 miles beyond Sabate ( Bracciano). The distance of Oriuolofrom Rome by the line of the Via Clodia (as measured on Gell's map), somewhat exceeds 31 miles. But the distance from Blera must, in that case, be greatly overstated; the actual distance from Oriuoloto Biedabeing scarcely more than 10 miles. (Westphal, Röm. Kampagne, pp. 154—158; Dennis's Etruria, vol. 1. p. 273: but the distances there cited, in the note from the Tabula, are incorrect.)