Via Ostiensis

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

VIA OSTIENSIS was, as its name imports, the road leading from Rome to Ostia, which must naturally have been an extremely frequented route when the city was at the height of its prosperity. It followed in its general direction the left bank of the Tiber, but cutting off the more considerable bends and windings of the river. It issued from the Porta Ostiensis, now called the Porta S. Paolo, from the celebrated basilica of St. Paul, about 1 1/2 mile outside the gate, and situated on the line of the ancient road. Three miles from Rome it passed through a village, or suburb, known as the Vicus Alexandri (Ammian. 17.4.14): it was at this point that the Via Laurentina struck off direct to Laurentum, 16 miles distant from Rome [LAURENTUM]; while the Via Ostiensis, turning a little to the right, pursued thenceforth nearly a straight course all the way to Ostia. On this line, 11 miles from Rome, is the Osteria di Mala Fede, where a road branches off to Porcigliano, which undoubtedly follows the same line as that mentioned by the younger Pliny, by which his Laurentine villa could be approached as conveniently as by the Via Laurentina. (Plin. Ep. 2.17.) Five miles farther the highroad reached Ostia, which was 16 miles from Rome. ( Itin. Ant. p. 301.) [OSTIA].